In a shocking turn of events, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced on Twitter that the police will be interrogating his old and sick parents tomorrow in connection with the Swati Maliwal assault case. This news has created a stir in the political circles of Delhi, with many people expressing their outrage at the police’s actions.
The Swati Maliwal assault case dates back to 2018 when the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief was allegedly manhandled by a few AAP workers during a hunger strike she was leading. The incident had sparked widespread condemnation, and the police had registered an FIR against the accused. However, the case has been pending for over two years now, and no action has been taken against the perpetrators.
In the recent past, there have been reports of the Delhi police targeting AAP leaders and workers in false cases. The police had also arrested AAP MLA Akhilesh Pati Tripathi in connection with a rioting case, which was later found to be baseless. The AAP has accused the police of working at the behest of the central government and trying to harass its leaders.
Arvind Kejriwal’s announcement that his parents will be interrogated in the Swati Maliwal assault case has added fuel to the already raging fire between the AAP and the Delhi police. Many people have criticized the police’s move as insensitive and inhuman, given the fact that Kejriwal’s parents are old and sick.
The Delhi Chief Minister has also accused the police of indulging in vendetta politics and trying to intimidate and harass him and his family. He has called upon the people of Delhi to rise up against this injustice and support the AAP in its fight against the corrupt system.
The Swati Maliwal assault case and the subsequent police action against the AAP have once again brought to the fore the issue of political vendetta and harassment. It is high time that the central and state governments take steps to ensure that the police work impartially and without fear or favour.
Hashtags: #SwatiMaliwalAssaultCase #AAPvsDelhiPolice #PoliticalVendetta #DelhiCommissionForWomen #ArvindKejriwal
Tags: Swati Maliwal, Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi police, AAP, Delhi Commission for Women, Political Vendetta, Corruption, Harassment.